Hey Everyone!
Now in Ipoh I know some people might have noticed a few things before Chinese New Year came this year. Actually, the few things are a few bugs. Well... okay, a lot of bugs, but to be specific, ALOT of cicadas! :D Since a certain teacher told me they won't be around after CNY I've decided to dedicate this whole entry to them. I can't let the good memories fade away can I?
Yeah, the Cicadas in these tales look awesome don't they? Except they're more brownish than in the picture. But it looks similar so it'll have to do.
Hope you like these stories... and yes, they're from real life :)
pls note the names are edited from real names of my classmates, enough to puzzle strangers but easy enough for a friend to figure out :] )
Tale 1: How I met the little bug! And how they gave me crazy ideas :)
I can't really remember how the bug topic was brought up in science class, but what I distinctly remember was Mrs. I going towards her shielded part of the classroom and stepping out with a strange object in her hand, "Now this is what a cicada looks like. They are everywhere nowadays. They don't live long and often comes before Chinese New Year and disappears afterwards..."
I was really fascinated! It was soo cute with it's far apart eyes and had such beautiful wings. Unfortunately, some people though otherwise... namely, Rochelle... "EEEEEWWWW!!!!!! EEEKKK!! Get it away from here pls Mrs. I!!! Is it dangerous??" Looks like I found out her new weakness, she thought cicadas were disgusting and scary :D
"What? No! They're vegetarians!" and then Mrs. I almost THREW it at her... but didn't really :) It was so funny and the ones who weren't scared or disgusted started laughing! A few others backed away too with a wary expression on their faces, they wanted to be NOWHERE NEAR IT!
"Ooh.. Mrs. I can we see?" Seth asked, so the teacher passed it by putting it onto his hand. I patted his shoulder and gave him a signal to pass it back to me. Rochelle was sitting behind me to the right slightly. I had this crazy idea. I turned back to her and gave her a sinister grin >:D I then pushed my hand further and further down her desk and all the while she was screaming. Everyone was laughing this time, even those next to her backing away slowly :) Even Mrs. I was laughing, "Okay, okay, enough of your fun. Stop scaring her now..."
Mrs. I was right. Dead cicadas were everywhere! Near the toilets, on the staircases, on the book racks, very cool if you ask me :) Poor Rochelle had cicadas chucked at her by Min and Bella all day and all week. I had quite a bit of fun myself and gave Bella cicadas every time I find one.
One day however, Bella was no where in sight and I found another one of the little creatures dead. Spotting Jojo with a couple of his friends nearby, I wondered if he liked cicadas, so I went to find out... :DD Usually I don't like being mean, but the cicadas were too much fun to pass. And Rochelle screams and runs away for her life EVERYTIME...
"Jojo!! Look what I found!! :D" And I shove the cicada right under his nose! The poor guy! I started laughing at his response, "Ugghh.. what is that??!" he suddenly jumped and cringed away and I had enough of my fun, so I smiled at him sweetly like an innocent little girl and backed away. Can't remember whether or not Bella came and flicked it towards him... err... ehem ehem...anyway...
The moral of the story is... it's fun to chuck dead cicadas at people... even though it's mean :)
And unless you're getting revenge or people are being annoying, don't do it :)
LOL! Part 2 coming soon!
Have fun with cicadas
next year.. lol! :D
Can't be bothered with colouring the text right now, lol...