Thursday, December 31, 2009

Just one more hour...

Hello everybody!!~~

Oh gosh I haven't written anything here for a long time... its been weeks since my last post, so I guess I'm gonna write something before the new year starts~~~

I hope to be able to stay up till 12 tonight, its a bit late but I'll sleep in tomorrow if I don't get enough sleep. I wonder what Malaysia will do for the New Year countdown, I hope it's fireworks! I love fireworks :D

New Year resolutions are always made every year, but are they ever completed? It's a question that haunt the minds of many... will I be able to do this.. do that? Will I be able to cut this down, slim down, diet and so on and so forth?

~~Well, I will be honest... I TRY to stick to my resolutions many times but it just goes a tiny bit wrong. That's why this year, 2010, I'm gonna make them short and sweet, simple and easy to follow. All it's gonna take is a bit of will power and some time to do them and then, BAM! Finished! :DD

Hehehe, one of them to actually keep this blog ALIVE... I've started like 4 others but haven't done anything on them, so is gonna be different. I'm gonna concentrate on this blog and make it AMAZING! :D Fill it up with posts on all sorts of things! Mostly my thoughts and comments on different subjects or maybe even a few anecdotes :)

I've decided NO
T to make this like a journal... my life's way too complicated for that. Maybe I might share a few stories of school in here but I'm not gonna make this into some boring old diary with dear diary this or dear diary that. It's gonna be full of life and fun and joyful and bouncy. Maybe once in a while when I hit a depressive state I'll share a bit of dark poetry and... oh well... we'll see what happens then :)

I'm gonna go in a minute but just one more thing... even though there's only half an hour left until midnight, ignore the title. I started at 11.05pm but only finished at around 11.30pm so you can see what I mean ;)

I'm gonna make another post when 2010 comes :DD

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday


Last Tuesday was my teacher's birthday
! He loves poetry so I promised him a nice poem :D
Hope you like it Mr. Raj!! Even if it's way over due :D lol

You gain new perspective on things when you grow,
Years pass by and many things do change,
Some characters waver while others remain strong,
In due time we always find where we belong...

Hopefully when we get older, we hopefully grow,
We become smarter, wiser and maybe even mature,
Those who have faced life should definitely know,
Hmm, you may have even been through a few inner wars :)

No one can predict the future, they can only guess,
So love today, hope for a tomorrow and forget the bad past,
I know you do this anyway but let me just say,
Keep happy memories and make sure they last :)

Keep on smiling TEACHER (:D) Laughing's what you do best..

As my favourite saying goes: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! :D

LOL, happy belated birthday Mr. Raj!
Sorry it's so late :P

Poem made by NADIAH ARIFF and no one else :) 13/12/09 :D

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Holidays and Books


ello ~~ The holidays are one of the best times of the year :D It's basically when I can finally sit back, relax and oversleep once in a while :D I LOVE the hols~~ lol and during this holiday I have a reason to be happy... it's basically coz...

I have awesome books to read!! :DD ~~~ Happy happy happy happy happy ~~~

A loud shout out goes to my awesome friend Jojo for lending me the first 5 books in the Pendragon series. He got me interested in the fantastic world of Halla and the adventures of the Travellers so if anyone wants a good series to start readng I highly recommend the Pendragon Series by D. J. MacHale :)

Lol speaking of books... why are books in Malaysian bookstores so expensive??!! Is it because they import books from other countries? Shipping costs? Taxes? What are their excuses?? It's not really fair :( Pfft... at least second-hand bookstores are okay :)

Before the holidays started my school held all these different competitions with Mph book vouchers as prizes. Glad to say I won RM50 through 2 competitions (Scrabble and Speech competion). So yesterday I went to Mph to buy the 6th book in the Pendragon series (hehehe Jojo lent me the first 5) and maybe a couple of others but I could only buy 2 books with a RM50 Mph gift voucher =.=, I even had to add in RM 3!! The books I bought were Pendragon Book 6: The Rivers of Zaada by D. J. MacHale and The Fall by Garth Nix. I love all types of books but fantasy is one of the best :D ~~ <3

Even though the currency is like x5/6 books in England are MUCH cheaper than they are in Malaysia. When I went to England I brought back over 20 books coz I got them at really good prices. During the weekends, the carboot sales at different places sell all sorts of things and hold great books for you to take home :DD I kid you not. Once I got 3 books for 50p because the owner just wanted to get rid of them. In Malaysian ringgit, that's RM3 :D And the books look great, not at all like second hand books... good deals eh?

Getting back to Mph, euuggghh... some people are just so rude! They go to a bookstore, pick up certain books, read (I don't mind that), block the book shelves, (aren't you being a bit rude?) and then (OMG) THEY DAMAGE THE POOR BOOKS! They break the spine, ruin the book cover and spoil some pages in the book :( grrr.... that really ticks me off :( Its so annoying and sometimes there's only a few copies of a book so you're forced to buy bad books. (Thank goodness the books I bought are okay) :D

Well that's enough for tonight. Maybe if I have more thoughts to share I'll blog again in the future :) Facebook's so boring nowadays coz no one responds to anything I do. Whenever I chat with someone I suddenly blurt out random things. hehehe I'll post those random stuff in the future too :D

Hobey-Ho!! ~~

*~~~ <3


does this thing work??