Monday, February 22, 2010

Tale of the Cicadas: Part 2

Okay everyone! Here's part 2!! The continuation of the story... :)

Part 2: Fred and his Buddies George and Roger

I walked past the school gates thinking to myself, "Another dull morning... wonder what's gonna happen today..." but little did I know there was a surprise waiting for me at around the corner past the first block. It would cheer me up for the entire morning :)

"Hey Nadiah..." my Year 10 friends Andy and Koko greeted me, "Guess what? I've got a cicada for you... I think it's alive." At that point I'm sure my eyes were as big as saucers and my mouth was hanging... A LIVE CICADA!! I've only experienced dead ones before :DD It'd be soo cool!! "Ooh... where is it!!?" "By the staircase."

I think I skipped all the way there coz I was so excited, and I found, sure enough, a cicada there. If it was alive, I think it would have been sleeping. Having only handling dead bugs before :/ I picked it up by its left wing with my right hand. After walking a few steps it starting dangling about and shaking furiously... and I started panicking!! O.O "KOKO!! ANDY!! What'd do I do!!??"

They stared at me back and panic started washing over their faces too. I had no choice but to let me land on the base of my thumb on my left hand. It settled quietly and I was instantly relieved :) "Oooooh!! I think I'm gonna make it my new pet!!" :D

Then I saw my friend V nearby looking at me amused yet in disbelief. "Hmm... I wonder... how about Fred?" I was instantly incredibly happy again, "YEAH!! FRED THE CICADA!! MY NEW PET!!" lol... I was sooo pleased... ~~ :( FOR NOW!!

After dropping off my bag near the lockers, I headed off to assembly. "Nadiah!" After earning a hug from my cute friend Meg, she suddenly backed away, sensing the tiny creature crawling about on my hand. I smiled at her and started walking towards my line in the basketball court.

Before I could even reach it, some people were already shouting at me and screaming away and looked absolutely horrified at the poor defenseless creature on my hand. "OMG!! WHAT IS THAT!!" "Nadiah! What the hay is on your hand!!" "EEKK!! It's so disgusting!"

One boy was edging ever so closely and was attempting to whack it off my hand. "DON'T YOU DARE TRY TO HURT MY PET FRED!! D:<" ALOT of people were backing off and some were staring in horror at my answer... "FRED!!?? You call that THING your pet!?" oh boy... he was really asking for it now :) "GRR... He's a CICADA! And stay away from him!!" and I immediately walked off, shielding him with my hand and drooping my shoulders slightly so no one else can see him. Not that it help... I bet half the school knew about it by then.

During the ENTIRE assembly I could feel and sense eyes boring holes into my tudong from EVERYWHERE! So many people were staring at me >:( Why? Because I have a cicada on my hand :) It's a good thing I'm not troubled by other people or else I'm sure I would have had a mental breakdown right there and then :D lol!!

Homeroom went by quickly because assembly took most of it away. Moving towards the first period of the day is always so busy. I was lucky not to drop him when putting on my bag or walking up the staircase.But THEN!! DUN DUN DUNNN!!!! I accidently tripped and Fred was a bit insecure on my hand. :'( and then!! HE flew away from my warm, soft, comfy hand... ONTO SOME JUNIOR BOY'S SHOE!!! >:( GRRR!! He left my hand for a some guy's shoe!! How unfair was that!! UGGHHH!! MEN! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hahahahhahahahaha!!!!

Lol ~ In the half hour I knew him, Fred gave me so much joy... even though he was a cicada... and he flew away from my life, never to return :)

Well... George's story is similar to part 3 except for the teacher's accent and they didn't scream their heads off at me when I brought the cicada into the class :) Yup~~ Good times~~

Okay... don't worry... not much left now... Roger's tale is the SHORTEST one I have.

Just two days after Fred's departure, after lunch I was going to get my books ready for the next lesson. All of a sudden, Min called me and said, "Hey Nadiah! Guess what I found!" I swung around and I was sooo happy!! And guess what was hanging from its wing from Min's hand? THE NEXT PET!! :DDD "Oh my gosh... IT'S ROGER!!! :DDD" I shouted and pointed!

All of a sudden he let go and the little bug flew away into the sky. And there I was pointing my finger at Min and feeling slightly dumbstruck. I bet I looked really absurd there like I was from some kind of cartoon. Sighing, I closed my locker and then I heard a chuckle next to me. ohh... I was so irritated then... MEN! >:( "Shut up KM"

Lol~~ Just to let you know I have nothing against the male population :) ... it's just that sometimes they get so annoying and it just makes ya wanna punch them. Sorry boys...

Hope you enjoyed that! Though it was a bit long this time :)

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